Monday 13 December 2010

Gun (Astra 600)

The gun was a amazing experience to make since I never modelled one, although it was a ball-ache to make as real as possible.
This is a Nazi Astra 600 made in Spain, I'm guessing it was like a trophy for the soldier that inhabited the room we are making atm.
All in all, I enjoyed modelling it.

Reference Pictures:

My Model:

I made the entire thing out of 4 meshes, in retrospective that might have been a bit far-fetched, but I did it in the end.. next time I'm not going under 8 meshes.
Anyhow, I took a break and made the bullets just for the kicks of it, not sure what sort of ammo it used so I just made the generic 9mm rounds.

There isn't alot of details, mainly because we don't have the time to go all out on UV mapping.

LOL, Just found what was out of place while looking at the pics, will correct that and upload the edited one.

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