Thursday 13 January 2011

The rest of the models

Didn't update my blog in ages so its time to wrap up the rest of the models up here

Wont make any special post for the few that are left so lets start:

these ones were simple, only problem I came across was making the dialling bit... I didn't know how to make a cylinder and inside that cylinder several carefully placed holes, and it wasnt explained anywhere on the internet or the tutorials... so I just had to come up with my own answer:
The trick I used was to make a cylinder and delete the top and bottom faces, then I made 10 smaller cylinders and placed em how I saw, and then I just made another cylinder with only the top and bottom faces, combined em all and started merging the points.

Reference Pictures:
My Models:

Vinyl Player:
I put most effort into this one, it was a blast modelling it, the player alone has about 25000 polys.
Apart from that there isnt much to say, no problems that I encountered couldnt be solved in less than 5min.

Reference pictures:

My model:


This one I had to do real quick, its a simple 80's Tv. Its meant to be in the intro of the for the Movie.
Anyhow, nothing much to say about this one either.

My model:


Book Shelf:

Reference pictures:

My model;

Room Pipes, and the rest of the details:

My Models;

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